Thursday, September 16, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday (The Day late edition) Part 1: Marvel

I know, I'm tardy to the party, but a calculus quiz and last minute studying kept me from reading my comics until later, and then I watched RwaC, and by the time I finished my comics I didn't feel like reviewing. BUT! I know what my people want (actually I don't because I keep this blog going). So, I'm going to get things started with Marvel.

Words by: Dan Way
Art by: Carlo Barberi

I was pretty down on the last DP issue because it seemed really short, but this issue, also kind of short on plot, sets up something much bigger. Deadpool starts the issue in a convenience store, only to be caught in a robbery attempt by fellow regenerates (yet to be explained). After a fight, a chase, and a showdown the action has moved to a weapons Cache under the store, owned by a Arab terrorist, who three of the Secret Avengers show up to foil. One terrorist foiling later, Wade and Steve Rogers are having a talk, and Steve says 'Wanna come work with me?' For those who read my blog you know I love Secret Avengers, and now I want to know if Deadpool actually joins the team, or if this will be like his X-Men stint. Either way, I am eagerly awaiting #28.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8.75/10)

Words by: Rob Williams
Art by: Clayton Crain

First off, the art in this issue is mindblowingly amazing. Honestly, I think Crain may have just made my top five artists list. That being said, the story does not skimp at all, we get an awesome tale of Ghost Rider trying to break free, like Freddy Mercury. And we get a bunch of angels coming down and killing Hand Ninjas all kinds of dead. All in all, this is one heckuva story and now I'm even more pumped for what's going down in SL #4.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

Words by: Fred Van Lente
Art by: Mhmud Asrar

I didn't really like #1 of this tie-n. I thought it didn't really give the new power man any characterization, etc. (The review is on one of the CBW posts). This one starts to change that, giving us a nice human side to the new Power Man, who was starting to look like a Super Whore. My only problem is that it seems like he's going to end up WAY overpowered. furthermore, the art in this issue was really substandard for my liking. The story was better than #1, but that's not saying a lot.

Dr. Brooklyn says: PASS this issue (6/10) but AT LEAST READ IT if you're a Shadowland completest.

Words by: Jeff Parker
Art by: Declan Shalvey

Three words: Juggernaut versus Ninjas. You can skip to the score now, you know this issue will get a great score. The story is an exposition tale, Cage calls the T-bolts and they have to go to the sewers to find the Under-Hands Under castle. But then Baron Unterbheit a shit ton of ninjas show up. a fight ensues and the T-Bolts get ready to continue down the rabbit hole. I don't read the Thunderbolts, but I just might after this bit of awesome.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8.75/10)

Words by Ed Brubaker
Art by: Dale Eaglesham

So, I was taken aback when  saw the "of 4," seeing as how the first two don't say that. So I'm now intrigued where this will take the former Shield-slinger. anyways, the issue is pretty solid, like every Bru/Cap title.The art is solid, but I really like how Cap does a look inside kind of thing and realizes that even without the shield and the muscles, he's still Cap. I really liked this issue, and feel like it's working towards Steve donning the costume again, or maybe that's just the fanboy in me talking.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

So that's what Marvel had that I read... yup.


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