Thursday, September 9, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday (Thursday Edition) Part 2: DC

Keeping the status quo, I read a lot more Marvel stuff than I did DC stuff, but this week i read a DC book not tied directly into Brightest Day (Shocking I know).

Words by: Keith Giffen
Art by: Pat Olliffe

For fans of Booster Gold this will be fun, Michael Carter is typical him and the interactions between himself and Blue Beetle II are gold (no pun intended), but sadly the story is quite week. I laughed a few times at the antics, but this movie seemed like a Will Ferrell movie a bunch of one or two page gags strung together with spider web thick plot. A loose tie in to JL:GL (see below) the story doesn't do a lot to affect the series like Blood on the Streets does with Shadowland. And this issue felt especially shallow when compared to the JL:GL issue that came out today as well.

Dr. Brooklyn says: PASS this issue (5/10)

Words by: Geoff Johns
Art by: Doug Mahnke

After me trashing Brightest Day for weeks now I am so pleased to read more GL stuff, because it reminds me that Johns is actually a really good writer. this story doesn't have a lot, but what it does have sets up a lot of stuff, like a possible break-up of Carol and Hal, and Hector still being on the loose. Also, it's got Larfleeze, who doesn't like Larfleeze? The plot in Vegas s good, and the comments made about love are pretty deep I think, and what it sets up makes me want more from Geoff Johns (as long as it's not BD)

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

Words by: Judd Winick
Art by: Fernando Dagnino

Yeah, I've been talking about it pretty much the whole time I've been reviewing today, ans with good reason. This story furthers the plot, and builds more tension inside the reformed JLI, as well as actually bringing the team face to face with Lord in a great pseudo climax, but as the last page indicates this isn't the peak of this arc. I have been very pumped about this series for as long as it's been going and this issue doesn't let up, giving us great rising action for the next issue, and characterizes Booster Gold better than his own series. The action is intense, the art is vibrant, and the story is cool, I highly recommend this series to all reading this blog.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10) 

So, with the DC stuff I read this week you can't go wrong with anything other than Booster Gold.

So there's this week in comics, I hope these reviews can point you to some awesomeness and I hope you guys come back for m next post

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