Thursday, September 23, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday (The "sorry-about-all-these-late-editions" Edition) Part 1: Marvel

Alright, first I haven't posted anything recently because I lost my password. That having been said here is my comic reviews for yesterday, starting with Marvel.

Words by: Dan Way
Art by: Dalibor Talajic

I am actually kind of sad that it will be a while before I get more Hit Monkey. And so I was going into this issue with a heavy heart, luckily Way and Talajic delivered a good final issue. continuing from the first issues in this mini Hit Monkey andto this series. That being said, this issue just felt like it was missing something... I'm not sure what, but- oh yeah, I do know... an end. We go from HM taking out some Yakuza guys to flying through a city with a cheesy "You are a legend... a Killer of Killers... forever to be known as... Hit-Monkey!" 'The End.' Leaving a whole slew of questions as to how HM goes fro Bullseye are set to face off for a final time, and the wait was worth it, seeing Hit Monkey do his bad ass monkey thing was awesome (punching Bullseye, hitting him with nunchucks, Seducing women... kind of) was an awesome end m this Year One mission to the Monkey Business arc of Deadpool. I liked the issue, don't get me wrong, but it just needed a better ending.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (7.75/10)

Words by: Ed Brubaker
Art by: David Aja

This issue has the same pitfall of Shadowland: Moonknight #1 (of 3)... It's not really a Secret Avengers tale. sure Steve Rogers is there, Nick Fury pops up, you've got Sharon Carter as well... but that's it. It's much more like Brubaker's earlier Cap stuff than Secret Avengers 1-4. A Nick Fury LMD shows up and begins to raise all kinds of hell, but this issue is pretty much all back story, that 'm sure will become vital for #6, but as a stand alone it could be better. The Art is good, and I believe that this issue has potential to set up a really cool arc, and my score is based more on that than anything else.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8/10)

Words by: Jason D. Henderson
Art by: Ivan Rodriguez

I liked the first issue of this mini quite a bit, I enjoyed be introduced to some bad ass females, but this issue doesn't really build upon that. I mean, the story is decent, starting with some liberating and then some more liberating, and then an attempt at further liberating, then a cliff hanger, but it seems kind of repetitive. Yes, we just saw the nail liberate women in a slave ring two pages ago, I don't think the same group liberating women from the same slave ring just a hand full of pages later makes for a great (or even good) issue. Other than Power Man all the Shadowland stuff has gotten good grades... but sadly, this one ranks more along side PM than it does "Funeral for a Fiend."

Dr. Brooklyn says: AT LEAST READ this issue (7/10)

Words by: Gregg Hurwitz
Art by: Bong Dazo

My main problem with the first MK tie in was that it was pretty much Vengeance of the Moonknight #11, not really a SL tie-in, but thankfully this issue not only remedies that, it makes MK a central player in saving NYC. during the Super Hero intervention from previous issues, MK squares off with DD and the beast n DD stares him down, only for Khonshu to show up and scare the beast off. Marc then begins to wonder what happened, and Khonshu explains that he's the only one who knows how to kill the beast and we get the set up of how the beast will be killed, and some foreshadowing that Matt will die. this was easily the best Marvel issue this week, with cool art and a great story reestablishing MK as a bad ass, I can't wait for #3 and the rest of SL.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10) 

Words by: Brian Michael Bendis
Art by: Rafa Sandoval

Some of my faithful readers will realize I hate BMB, yet I read his stuff mainly because I get in and then I need to know how it ends. And UM is nearly over... THANK GOD! The story continues to be typical Bendis cluster fucking. "Clever" dialogue matched with mind numbing action and no coherent plot. I really should keep this review short because It's only going to be more and more BMB bashing, which I'm sure most of you don't want to read. I will say this though, BMB has made Ben Grimm a human again... what the fuck?

Dr. Brooklyn says: PASS this issue (4/10)

And there's my Marvel list (well, technically Icon is Marvel, but I saved that for the 'The Rest' section) Be sure to check some of this stuff out.

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