Thursday, October 28, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 3: The Rest

And last, but certainly not least (actually probably the foremost) is the Veritgo offering from this week... Scalped #42.

Words by: Jason Aaron
Art by: R.M. Guera

If you remember (and you'd better) I raved about the last Scalped and called it the best of the series, well, sadly this issue doesn't top it, but it does stay high up on the quality meter. We get the result of Dash and Carol running into each other, and we also get one of the most touching moments of the series... the opening of the issue is Carol dreaming about the perfect life Her and Dashiell are married, completely cleaned up, she doesn't have her tattoo's they live in a nice apartment they're happy and kind... but that's not how it is, because Carol and Dashiell aren't the ideal story book relationship. Furthermore, we get a conclusion to the Unwanted arc... Carol goes to Planned Parenthood and... well I'm sure you can put it together from there. I don't feel ashamed to say this at all... Scalped is the best series on the racks right now. The art is great and Aaron has a mastery of neo-crime with peers like Tarantino.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (10/10)

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