Monday, October 25, 2010

Top 5: Super Heroes

So the title is pretty self explanatory, but I'll give a brief intro. I am a huge comic book nerd, (as I assume you are if you read this blog) and so I think it's time I detailed and outlined my Top 5 Super Heroes, giving you a glimpse inside the mind of the madman who's blog you read.

5. Namor (a.k.a The Savage Submariner)
Company: Marvel
Powers: Namor is super strong (able to fight Hulk), ability to breath under water and in the air, and flight

Alright, so technically he's an anti-hero, but I don't care: Namor is Bad Ass. So many heroes try and be truly heroic (i.e. Superman) or are vigilantes (i.e. The Punisher) or even a basic Anti-Hero (i.e. Wolverine), but nobody plays aloof to a specific role like Namor, hell he's even invaded New York. The first anti-hero in Marvel's roster Namor has been good guy, bad guy, and even tragic Romeo, known for his many relationships including his most famous one... The Invisible Woman. I can't wait until Marvel and Sony get it worked out for Namor to pop up on screen,

4. Deadpool (a.k.a. The Merc with a Mouth)
Company: Marvel
Powers: Regeneration
Again, technically not a hero, but Deadpool has a special place in my heart for being awesome. Nobody cuts bad guys with swords and words quite the way The Merc with a mouth does, and that's the main thing I love about him... the humor. Most heroes these days are very serious (i.e. The Punisher, Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Namor, Thor, Hulk, etc) but Deadpool revels in the silliness of old school comic shenanigans, mixing Adam West Batman with Tarantino-esque hyper violence Deadpool is one of the greatest heroes of all time because he's able to save the day... and make you laugh while he does it.

3. Martian Manhunter (a.k.a. The most underrated character in the DCU)
Company: DC
Powers: Super Strength, Flight, Telepathy, Shape Shifting, Laser eyes, and Martian Breath.

Have you ever noticed how early on in any major JLA arc Martian Manhunter is taken out of commission so Superman or Batman become the only ones strong or smart enough to save the day? Yeah... so have I. Yet I 've read Martian Manhunter solo titles and realize that Martian Manhunter is one of the coolest characters out there. The last son of Mars, J'onn J'onzz is one of the big seven of the JL, yet he never gets the respect he deserves. Strong as Superman, as smart as Batman, and also the most powerful telepath in the DCU Martian Manhunter is overlooked because he could overshadow the big three, and DC can't allow that.You don't believe me? Go look up some Martian Manhunter stuff and see how cool he is... do it, this post will be here when you get back.

Ah, you're back, isn't Martian Manhunter awesome?

2. Batman (a.k.a. The Caped Crusader, The Dark Knight, and many other nicknames)
Company: DC
Powers: Technically none.

What do I need to say about Batman? Batman is on this list because he inspires people that they cab do whatever they put their mind to, no matter what the obstacles are. Batman has exchanged blows with Kal-El, faced aliens, seduced women, and trained with ninjas... he's pretty much the ultimate man. But even beyond his brawn is his ultimate attribute... his brain. Batman has long been the brain power of the DCU's best teams, providing solutions and ways to beat bad guys that nobody else could. Also he has a way to take down EVERY member of the JLA. Yeah, ALL of them. How awesome is that? You piss of Batman you can be taken care of whether you're a Clown in a tacky suit or the last son of Krypton.

and if you know me at all number 1 shouldn't be a surprise.

1. Captain America (Steve Rogers of Course)
Company: Marvel
Powers: After receiving the Super Soldier Serum, Steve Rogers became the pinnacle of what a man can be.

Call me old fashioned but the Red, White, and Blue shield slinger is still the ultimate hero, not only because he's a bamf, but because he has morals and honor, two things lacking in most of the modern tough heroes (including the current Cap and former Winter Soldier, James "Bucky" Barnes). Rogers always stands up for what he believes in, and did I mention he's a bamf? Yeah, he's fought Hulk, he's fought Giant-Man, he's fought pretty much everybody and usually comes out on top. The ultimate hero and the ultimate character, Steve Roger's Captain America will (probably forever) be my favorite hero.

There you go, don't like it? Comment below, like it? Well then, you obviously have good taste

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