Friday, October 1, 2010

Zombieland: A Review

I'll admit I don't watch a lot of Zombie movies. Sure, I've seen Night of the Living Dead (1963) and Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959) undeniably the two best zombie movies ever made and some others, and I've read every issue of The Walking Dead, but for the most part zombie cinema has left me by. But there was one Zombie movie that struck a chord with me: Shaun of the Dead (2004).

It was mainly it's use of humor in juxtaposition to the gore that created a brilliant "yin-yang" of a movie, and I figured out what kind of Zombie movie I liked, a satiric tongue in cheek movie that doesn't take itself too seriously and doesn't hold back on the gut blowing... or the gut busting.

Zombieland (2009) carries on that tradition of the ZomRomCom started by SotD. Giving the viewer an action filled, comedy, with a side order of romance.

Unlike most movies, the exposition is not laid out in a simple 1st act kind of deal, instead a slow and steady revelation of the characters back stories is actually a truer to life way of things happening, and I enjoy that.

The soundtrack is beautiful, mixing rock and electric music to provide the perfect soundtrack to the zombocolypse, making the heart race and get the adrenaline pumping.

The movie centers on 4 characters: Columbus (Jeese Eisenberg), Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), Little Rock (Abigail Breslin), and Wichita (Emma Stone) who make the group from TWD look functional. The four play off each other amazingly and have tremendous chemistry and in a style that most movie casts dream of having. The entire cast is fantastic, especially that guy who shows up about mid way through... his name escapes me. I honestly don't think that with out the rest of the cast any one of these actors could have carried this movie, working truly as a unit this group delivers laughs, tears, and bad ass zombie kills.

Now about the rules, I really liked how they did the rules. It seems almost requisite now that slasher movies address the rules of slasher movies, only to have violations and "self aware" deaths. So it was nice to see a movie handle the rules for Zombie movies in a creative way, not some douche's you know won't see act II laughing about how to avoid Jason.

Overall the movie was good, not as good as SotD, but still a funny and scary movie that requires at least one watch, but deserves a lot more.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this movie (9/10)


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