Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 2: DC

Welcome Back, i'm glad you stayed with me. Now for DC... which to be honest is all Brightest Day stuff at the moment. Let's just get into it.

Words by: Geoff Johns
Art by: Ivan Reis
This series has been a thorn in my side. Blackest Night got me so pumped for the DCU. i was buying books for characters I'd never ehard of, I geeked out everytme I checked DC's website and saw more BN stuff coming, I bought the BL ring as soon as  could, the rest shortly after I was pumped. Then I heard of Brightest Day, and my heart soared, after the amazing wonder of BN BD must be great, right? Wrong. The first 7 issues of the main series have been the characters walking around, shoulders shrugged wondering why they are all back, Side stores like GL, GLC, And Justice League Generation Lost have kept my attention, but the BD series itself has angered me on a two week cycle for a few months now. BUT BD #8 shows something that the first 7 lacked: plot. All the side stories across the DCU are coming together, what's with he Hawks, What happened to M'gnn, and what's Boston Brand up to. Also, there was no Aquaman, which is a major plus. Sadly... that is one of the few plusses. Because other than the J'onn arc (My second favorite DC character) the plots have been so slow in starting (Seven issues to be exact) I don't care about them anymore. With Marvel doing Shadowland, an amazing crossover, this feels even MORE lackluster than I already thought. The writing is okay, but I feel like this series is a let down from Johns, who's GL is still among my favorites.

Dr. Brooklyn says: Only Read it if you are following Brightest Day and have been from the beginning (5/10)

Words by: James Robinson
Art by: Mark bagley
After BD #8 I was a little mad, which is why 'm so glad I read this story. The arc involving the Starheart ahs been superb, involving twists turns and a great meshing of two generations of heroes. This seems liek the climax before the climax, after Faust exposes "Alan" Dr. fate is freed, who is then able to go help the others, yadda yadda yadda, the "real" Alan shows up and shit is getting up to go down. The art is stronger than most, but the story is beautiful. Elements of love gone sour, coupled with magic, intrigue, and Grayson still trying to fill the Bat-Shoes of his mentor, this book was a treat to read. The arc "Dark Things" (this is part 4, btw) is a great introduction to the characters, but it's also not really releant to the BD crossover that t falls under. This is just a pick up and read kind of story (but start with "DT" Pt. 1-3 first)

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this book (8/10)

Words by: tony Bedard
Art by: Ardian Syaf
This arc is titled Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns, but a more fitting ttle would be "The Madness of Cyborg Superman." This arc is not about the Corps, thus far, it's about Ganthet, Sora, Kyle, John, and Stel fighting the Alpha-Lanterns and their leader, Cyborg Superman, who is fucking nuts. This is another Part 4 of an arc, so don't start here if you're not following it, but read the arc, I beg you. The interactions of the Lanterns shows, in case you forgot, that they are Not just Green Lanterns, they are a corps, or a body. Beautifully shown by Bedard, Kyle, Sora, and John are trying to rally an army of robots to fight the Alpha Lanterns and save Stel, which isn't going well for them. Calling in Hannu they are able to defeat Boodikka, recharge with a glorious final panel of the three lanterns reciting the oath, and get ready for the final showdown (coming in #52).

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue. (7.75/10)

The winner this week was obviously not BD #8, but it was JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #42, thanks to solid story and art.

thank you for reading my CBW posts and I'lll probably do a rant or something cool tomorrow... maybe

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