Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First post or: How I learned to stop worring and love the Blog.

After months of dragging my feet... after many moons of whining about not having the time or effort to blog here I am... typing away at the first entry of a blog I'm going to use to assert my superiority in all things pop culture.

Like all stories it starts with a villain, this one is named D**** S**** or AYBGerrardo for short. He has an awesome blog and I decided that there would be enough people I know doing it to not appear foolish. So, how to begin a blog? I could go right into a self righteous diatribe, I could start with a review, I could do a top five for the kicks and giggles, I could just continue to list possible ways to fill this Genesis of blog posts... OR I could just rap it up shortly because I actually DON'T have a perfect solution to start with, but as the first offical thing "Dr. Brooklyn says to like" I place this Blog.

Sorry for not really giving you anything but a glorified blog tease, but tomorrow I'll hit the ground running with reviews of several comics that drop and maybe a movie... I dunno yet.

Until then my lovelies, your's truly~ Dr. Brooklyn

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