Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 2: DC

I didn't read a lot of DC stuff this week... I read two things, but they were both pretty good, so I'm going to get right into reviewing and ranting.

Words by: Judd Winick
Art by: Aaron Lopresti
This series is one of the only good things about BD. It's got ana amazing cast (The Old JLI with some updates), It's got an awesome Plot (Max Lord tricked the world [except the JLI] into not believing he exists and is causing all kinds of hell with a true get away with anything card), It's got humor and intrigue, and great art to boot. The plot for this issue has the JLI breaking into Checkmate to find Lord, of course they get caught so they try and fight their way out, strengthening their friendships and themselves on the way, including maybe a future romantic plot between Fire and Rocket Red? Perhaps, I mean even communist scan love... right? Frankly, I have nothing but good things to say about this book, other than that it's number 8 so jumping in now would be a bad idea, I highly reccomend getting (and reading) this series.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

Words by: James Robinson
Art by: Mark Bagley
Remember how last week I was raving about JSA? Well, the JLA half of the story falls short of last weeks JSA. Don't ask me to explain why, it just does. The plot seems to be a tad Deus Ex Machina, for my tastes, and seems almost sappy with a triumphant Alan Scott, but it seems like the contents of this issue sould have been two, and given us more action and build up. Really, it's all good except the pacing. I still reccomend the issue, I do, and I liked the arc, but this issue as a climax/close seemed a tad rushed and short.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this ssue (7.5/10)

Well, JL:GL obviously won here, but only because I pulled a technicality which you'll see in my next post... so make sure you read it.

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