Thursday, October 14, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 1: Marvel

Alright, another week of comics has come and sadly gone, so it seems like its time for me to tell you what comics you should pick up, provided you have bad taste and didn't pick these up already (well, in some game good taste should have scared you away) So here we go with some reviews and cynicism.

Words by: Dan Way and Marjorie Liu
Art by: Giuseppe Camuncoli

I was really pleased with Issue #1 of this series, but often times strong initial issues are followed with lackluster sequels... luckily this is another strong issue. Continuing the story from Wolverine #1 Daken finds himself dealing with Wolverine's body that is causing all kinds of hell (no pun intended) here on Earth while Logan fights his way through scores of people he's already killed. The majority of this issues works around Daken sweet talking Mystique out on a date, only for Wolverine to cut in. The writing is great as Way and Liu bring a nice balance of manliness and a feminine touch, I've met Dan, but not Marjorie so my knowledge of her is slim, but Dan's touch is very much on this story. The art is kind of... well, it's not bad, but it's not great the facial proportions of Daken change a little too much for my like, but it's not enough to detracts from the story.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

INVADERS NOW! 2 (of 5)
Words by: Alex Ross and Christos Gage
Art by: Caio Reis

If you are one of my faithful readers, you observed me giving the first issue in this mini a 6.5/10 and a mediocre review... Ross and Gage really stepped it up with this issue, providing a really strong story that looks at what happens in war and when their can be justification, and what's too far. Frankly, the issue was pretty damn good, except the art is kind of weak. When I look at comic art I want strong form and nice color, this art is just not good enough for the quality of writing that Ross and Gage put down in this issue.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8.75/10)

Words by: Matt Fraction
Art by: Salvador Larroca

So these Marvel guys seriously like making me eat my words. If you remember I said that IIM is getting ready to jump the shark and gave the last issue a pass... so Matt Fraction reads my blog* and uped the quality of this issue. Where the last few issues have been lame Eco-Friendly tales, this last story gets back to what Iron Man is all about, sex, tech, and explosions. This seems to be a recurring theme, but the art was a little... weird. I mean, I know Larroca is talented, seeing it from #1-31 of this series, but there were some things off this issue. The Story is starting to return to the High Quality that the series began with, and I am very pleased with that, being that IIM was one of my favorites, it might just sneak back into that elite group.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8.75/10)

*Yes I know Matt Fraction has never even heard of my blog, I just like to dream

SHADOWLAND #4 (of 5)
Words by: Andy Diggle
Art by: Billy Tan

Holy Shit. Yeah I started my review of The Boys #47 that way, so you should know how this review will end. That being said I will still give you a nice review. The story is really coming to it's climax now, we see a loose collection of street level heroes on their way to kill Matt Murcok, needless to say, they don't succeed. But the issue ends on a high note, Matt laughing off Wolverine who ended a leap with all six claws into the Man without fear. For one of the best crossovers of the fall, this issue ranks among the best and it seems like the climax next month will be some of the most exciting stuff of the year.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (10/10)

Words by: Antony Johnston
Art by: Wellington Alves

This subseries has been pretty interesting, a series of murders that match the Hand's M.O... but it's not them! And as such, there is a mystery that several of the detective characters have been working on, despite all that's going on. This issue reveals some clues, but they obviously won't be revealed until next months #4. The plot continues to be good stuff, and I am very much so intrigued by this series and am really sad that it's going to end.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10) 

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