Thursday, October 14, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 2:DC

Alright, here's the highly anticipated sequel to my earlier blog post, you can stop holding your breaths now. As you can assume, based off the title, this section is devoted to those crazy bastards over at DC.

Words by: Grant Morrison
Art by: Ryan Sook

Okay, so I haven't been a fan of this series... I mean, it's been kind of fun, but the covers are far and away the best part of this series. And this issue is no exception. The story is kind of.... well, an accurate description is cluster fuck. Bruce arrives in the 20s and is conned by... his mother (?) into becoming a "bat man" to help pull off a scam, but then the scam is revealed to be... getting Bruce to be a sacrifice in the family cemetery of Wayne Manor. Okay, so my reaction when I set this down was What the Fuck? I just... I really don't know what to say... I mean, the art was good but... that's not enough to salvage a comic with story this bad. Sorry Morrison, you get my only pass of the week. I just can't wait until this arc is done, Wayne returns and a new guy takes over Batman.

Dr. Brooklyn says: PASS this issue (4/10)

Words by: Geoff Johns
Art by: Doug Mahnke

The issue starts with The Butcher (The Red Lanterns Entity) causing hell at a prison, but we don't get a lot of that... but I do appreciate the foreshadowing. The issue is much more episodic than I would like, working more like a really good BD issue as opposed to a strictly GL tale, but that doesn't hurt it at all. For me (being a hopeless romantic) I kind of would have liked more between Carol and Hal, but overall the issue has little to knit pick, balancing out the 'meh' BD series that Johns is also working on.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8.75/10)

Words by: Peter Tomasi
Art by: Fernando Pasarin

This is a series quickly climbing the ranks of things I look forward to. In the main GL title, we have Hal being a fine upstanding guy, but in Emerald Warriors we get Guy being Guy, leading a rag tag group of Kilowag, Arisia, and now Bleez. The story looks like it's going to turn into the catalyst of the next GL crossover (seems all of DC's crossovers have to involve the GL corp, but whatever) Anyways, the story and art are both equally strong and we get to see some badassery, so check this series out if you like good comics.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

Words by Judd Winick
Art by: Aaron Lopresti

And the love affair continues. I know I gush for this series like the media gushed for Obama, but it's worth it... for serious. The story now pits the JLI against the Metal Men (and woman) thanks to Max Lord reprogramming them. The two teams fight hard, but then the Metal Men unite and become a mega Metal... person. This series continues to be my favorite DC publication at the moment, with smart writing, cool art and the only direct BD tie in that does anything. I think I might be at that point where all I have left to say is gushing compliments, so I'll cut this review short.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9.5/10)

So there's this weeks DC stuff... that I bought. Check some of that stuff out if you feel like reading some good stuff, but avoid B:TRoBW

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