Thursday, October 28, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 2: Marvel

Alright, here's where most of my comic book money was spent this week, making sure Joe Quesada's kids have food. I don't really know how else to set this up... so here ends my framing device, and here also begins my reviews.

Words by: Ed Brubaker
Art by: Daniel Acuña

So at the end of last issue we were told that Bucky was going on trial, and as such the media storm starts in this issue. We also see a lot of Steve Rogers, and now that raises a question... why would there be more of Steve Rogers than Bucky Barnes in the current Cap comic? Here's my theory and make sure you remember this so I can do the I told you so dance soon... Steve Rogers is going to be Captain America before this time next year. The Trial doesn't actually start in this issue, but all the set up and expository details make a good story, blending the other heroes reactions, with Bucky trying to block it out, all under the umbrella of Steve that connects the two. I have high hopes for this arc, but this issue is another strong Cap story from Brubaker.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

Words by: Ed Brubaker
Art by: Mike Deodato

This series' first arc was fantastic. We got an amazing team book with super fights, great tech, and cool locations... three things required for a great super team book. But we also get a team that interacts superbly, they are all different, but they obviously share a mission and are like able as a unit. And this next arc seems like Brubaker will take it to the next level. The Shadow Council is after the Eyes of the Dragon, jewels able to raise the dead. And as such their mission is to raise Shang-Chi's father to lead the new Hai-Dai, which means the Secret Avengers are going to be try and get the jewels first. The writing is just as strong as before, with Deodoto continuing to give equally great visuals.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8.5/10)

Words by: Gregg Hurwitz
Art by: Bong Dazo

Moonknight has become one of my favorite characters this year, and it's stories like this that have made it so. Moonknight follows Khonshu's urging to Naw'leans (New Orleans) to find the Sapphire Crescent (which he finds) only for Shadowknight to steal away the crescent and cue a climactic battle between the Moon and the Shadow, and in a moment that seems to counteract the current Vengeance of the Moonknight ongoing... Moonknight finishes Shadowknight, and takes back the crescent... heading into Shadowland to use the Crescent to try and kill Daredevil, of course we can't see that because there are still five SL titles to come. But I think the most crucial part of this story is the Epilogue to this tie in... we see Moonknight standing on the belcony, with Marlene on the bed staring at him, calling him to bed, but of course she calls him Jake Lockley, his current name, to which he responds Jake (his peaceful cabbie alter ego) is dead... and his name is Marc Spector (His violent former merc alter ego) setting up more Moonknight arcs with his return to violence... to say the least I geekgasmed when I saw that panel.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9.5/10)

Words by: Jeff Parker
Art by: Declan Shalvey

The review on the cover from Newsarama says it all... this book is like a comic version of The Dirty Dozen. Sure there are some Shadowland elements, but this series just has the banner and the ninjas to try and squeeze a few more dollars out of the Shadowland completests... and since I've bought two Thunderbolt issues in my life obviously I'm one of those completests, furthermore Marvel's ultimate Adrian Veidt scheme is coming to fruition... once Shadowland ends I'm going to continue buying The Thunderbolts because Parker is a great writer, and the characters are gritty, real, and exciting. Shalvey's art matches that feel providing a 1-2 punch and knocking the reader out. This issue finds the T-Bolts still in the sewer fighting the ninjas they were trying to find in #148. Oh... there's also a dragon. But this issue includes something even cooler... Crossbones with superpowers. Yes, one of Marvel's best (current) bad guys has some super powers... what could possibly go wrong right?

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

Words by: Mark Millar
Art by: Steve Dillon

The pure win that is this issue can be summed up in three words: Vampire Captain America. Yes, dear readers, The Red, White, and Blue shield slinger is now a child of the night... allow me to geek out a tad.
(one geek out later)
Alright I'm back. The issue's plot resolves around Fury and the rest of the Avengers rushing the bitten Rogers back to the Triskelion to try and save him, but soon they are all fainting, an unexplained event... well that is until a certain half-vampire vampire slayer shows up to drive a wooden stake through the heart of the sentinel of liberty. This series is truly incredible, I mean the first two arcs were great but... damn, number 3 is amazing, matching one of the greatest writers of all time (Millar) with one of the true living legends of comics (Dillon) was destined to be good... but how good I am still unable to fathom.

LIKE this issue (10/10)
Words by: Brian Michael Bendis
Art by: Rafa Sandoval

Ugh. The real mystery is why some people think BMB is one of the best writers Marvel has. The plot remains just as convoluted as issue #1... which shouldn't happen by the final issue of a mini. Bendis here continues to weave his yarn, but the tapestry looks more like a four year old's attempt than that of a (alleged) master. Captain Marvel is captured and held by Fury, Danvers, The Torch, and The Thing... but during the interrogation there are voice bubles going to the wrong people (unless The Thing and Sue Storm are suddenly siblings) and the dialogue is just as amateurish as always, with zingers barely zinging and big reveals feeling like... well... seeing something that has been in the open for awhile now because Bendis is a terrible writer. I can't really describe how awkward and crappy this issue is... oh wait yes I can!

Dr. Brooykln says: PASS this issue (3/10) 

So that's Marvel's offerings this week, most of it was solid but as usual the Bendis title was the one lacking what I want in my comics: Quality.

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