Thursday, October 7, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday the You should probably ge tused to these coming on thursday Edition Part 3: The Rest

Words by Garth Ennis
Art by: Russ Braun

Holy Shit. This issue was good. Like high up there for best The boys issue good. And that's saying something. The way Ennis portrays Butcher and Hughie at the beginning of the issue, then Annie and Hughie, and Finally showing us a glimpse of The Homelander scheming this issue sets up all kinds of hell to come, for The boys AND The Seven. Without a doubt this is a must read series, and this issue which concludes the BELIEVE arc maybe be exhibit A-F in the case to prove it. Although it doesn't really talk about Believe, this does give some closure to the main elements of that arc, and as a direct result sets up the next arc.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (10/10) Get used to those in this section.

Words by: Brendon Small, Jon Schnepp, and Jeremy Barlow
Art by: Lucas Marangon

To appreciate this issue, you must like the show. STOP! If you don't like the show don't read this review or this issue, you won't like it. The plot is simple, the band endorses some frozen foods and causes mayhem. The humor then comes from the same kind of dialogue and situational black humor that makes the show great. The only problem was the song at the end, it's one thing to listen to metal... it's another to read it with no music, but that's a nit pick. I laughed quite a bit during the reading of this issue and I think you will too if you like the show.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8/10)

NANCY N HELL #3 (of 4)
Words by: El Torres
Art by: Antonio Vasquez

This issue is actually deep. While the first two have been exploitation fun, this one actually questions the superiority of humans to angels, and makes Lucifer reexamine himself, giving us a unique look on the Fallen Angel himself. The art is pretty consistent with what the rest of the series has had, just good gory fun. Overall this series has turned into a hidden gem, which I'm afraid most people will miss out on. if you like chainsaws, the undead, demons, and hot chicks you'll love this series.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8.5/10)

Words by: Alan Moore
Art by: Jacen Burrows

remember in my first post when I linked to my friend D**** S****'s blog? Well, me and him have been waiting like crackheads for a rock for this issue, and it doesn't disappoint. The story is full of more Lovecraft references than the first, and finds Brears having sex with an old one in the final panels. The plot gets the two agents undercover, where they are invited to a ritual, trying to get a lead on Carcosa. But the ritual is actually an orgy and Brears finds herself being raped by a hideous monster after watching her partner get shot in the face. This is a very graphic issue, with lots of sex, dicks, and blood, so if you are squeamish at all, pass on this issue, or better have someone read it too you, because you don't want to miss this one.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (10/10)

Words by: Jason Aaron
Art by: R.M. Guera

The Unwanted Arc is probably the best of the series thus far, mainly because it has allowed for so much characterization of Dashiell and Carol, and this issue doesn't slow that down. We open with a flashback to Carol's mother, then we return to the modern with Carol dealing with her pregnancy by consulting Dino Poorbear, another of the Rez's parents with a lot of troubles. But the gem of this issue is Dashiell and Carol searching for each other through out the town, Dashiell learning carol has kicked the drug habit, and Carol learning Dashiell has been distancing himself from her father, ending in them finding each other in a "romantic" passing. Just like this week's The Boys, this issue ranks up with some of the best Scalped issues.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (10/10)


  1. Does H.P. Lovecraft orgy rape count as bestiality?

  2. Technically no, because it's not an animal, it's an alien/god thingy
