Thursday, October 7, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday the You should probably ge tused to these coming on thursday Edition Part 1: Marvel

So, I read a LOT of comics this week (11 to be exact) and I have a big chunk of marvel stuff, so I'm going to get right into the whole review thing i do.

Also, sorry about not having a review last CBW, but I only got 3 issues, and I didn't think you would need those reviews.

Words by: David Lapham
Art (and I use the term lightly) by: Kyle Baker

I will begin this review with three words, and because it's a MAX title I won't get censored: WHAT THE FUCK?! I have said a few times I'm tired of all the Deadpool titles, yet I always buy them and this one... ugh... this one was a waste of $4. First off, Hydra Bob's role is the ass slave of a gangster, now I know HB isn't the toughest guy, but aren't there better ways of infiltrating the mob that letting the mob infiltrate you? Second, this should have been called Hydra Bob MAX, because Deadpool is hardly in this, like Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup, the name has nothing to do with the contents. The story uses the MAX imprint to it's full extent giving us blood, swearing, and sex... but that doesn't make an issue good. Especially when the art sucks this much. I love the cartoony style that some artist's have, particularly Jason Howard of Image, but Baker's was cartoony without proportion, realism, or anything redeeming.

Dr. Brooklyn says: PASS on this issue (4/10)

Words by: Mike Benson and Adam Glass
Art by: Laurence Campbell

Remember my review of #1 of this series? How it was good but not Deadpool? Well, same problem here. The story is actually really cool, and the art is very slick, but it's just not Deadpool. The humor is very out of place here, and all in all it doesn't fit in with the tone of anything else featuring the Merc with a Mouth. That being said this series could be really good. The dialogue is strong and DINO (Deadpool in Name Only) is a very cool character, vaguely reminiscent of Grendel. I do recommend this issue (and series) because it is a nice Pulpy story, but don't expect the zany antics that define Deadpool, they won't be here.

Dr. Brooklyn says: PASS if you want a Deadpool story LIKE if you want a good story (8/10)

Words by: Dan Slott
Art by: Paulo Siqueira

In there last two weeks there has only been 1 Shadowland story, but luckily it was pretty good. The story revolves around Spider-man (duh) and Shang-Chi. That's the issues right there. The story mainly works because once Shang Chi touches Mr. Negative he begins to rationalize DD's plot, and then Spider-Man has to break him free from the spell-y thing. Honestly, this was a nice look at Shadowland from a real world perspective, almost tapping into Watchmen about Why Vigilantism doesn't work, but it's short so don't expect anything new in that discussion. All in all the book was solid from cover to cover, little knowledge of either character is needed, but don't read it without knowledge of SL.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8/10)

Words by: Rick Remender
Art by: Jerome OpeƱa

As a fan of Secret Avengers i decided to read this because the plot synopsis makes this sound like the Secret Avengers of the X-Men. and the first issue has a lot of exposition, realizing most people need an introduction of sorts to the characters, that being said I would have preferred an introduction to the plot. The issue starts with Deadpool discovering a hidden fortress, and then the X-Force has to fight with their demons and then starts making their way to the fortress... we don't know what's in the fortress, we don't know why they need to go to the fortress, we just know they are going to the fortress. you can tell once this book gets going, it'll be a good team book, but as of this issue it's not anything spectacular and as such I can't give it a great score.

Dr. Brooklyn says: AT LEAST READ this issue (7/10)

Words by: Jason Aaron
Art by: Renato Guedes
This is easily the must read Marvel book of the week. Wolverine is in Hell and his past is (literally) closing in around him, all the while Satan is laughing about how he's going to break Logan. With words by Aaron you know it'll be good, so you didn't need me to tell you, did you? This series is looking like it will become a memorable run on the character, one that people will be talking about. I love how Aaron balances Earth and hell, creating intrigue on both sides of the Styx, weaving a web that catches up characters and gets them devoured. That being sad, this arc does kind of seem like the poor man's version of The Saint of Killers Mini from Preacher.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

so that's it for Marvel, stay tune for DC, and The Rest.

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