Thursday, November 11, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 1:DC

Another week, another grouping of comics that I'm going to review, but sadly (like last week) there wasn't a lot on the racks that I was desperately wanting to buy, but these 6 titles did make the cut so here's the first subgroup: DC.

Words by: Grant Morrison
Art by: Lee Garbett

So... Grant Morrison is an enigma. I've been reading through his Batman and Robin series and I've been loving it, his ability to weave characters is amazing, but at the same time... B:TRoBW remains to be the clusterfuck I've accused it of being for the last few issues. In quite possibly the most scattered issue yet, Morrison officially returns Bruce Wayne to the limelight, bringing him out of the time stream and... well... I don't even know what happened. I mean, Batman gets fused with some bizarre robot thing that's apparently sent from Apokolips to kill Batman, yadda, yadda, yadda. There's no period work like the first 5 issues, and there's less plot. Most of the issue is spent flipping around with panels out of order and random voice bubbles to show that the time stream is being tampered with, but that just makes the issue seem like it's just trying to be trippy.

Dr. Brooklyn says: PASS on this issue (4/10)

Words by: Peter J. Tomasi
Art by: Fernando Pasarin

There are two distinct story lines in this issue, but they aren't equally good. The first is the continuing road trip of Guy, Arisia, Kilowog, and (as of last issue) Bleez deep into the unknown sector, and the other is an entirely expository talk of Sodam Yat doing... something. I think it's implied he's going to blow up or just move a planet, but... that's not really fleshed out (hopefully next month). But, back to the first plot line, the Road Warriors stop on Daxam, for a few pages, just to tie their arc in with the new Sodam arc. The issue isn't really great, it's good, but when compared to the last few issues this issue seems more like a typical Green Lantern issue than Emerald Warriors.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (7.75/10)

Words by: Judd Winick
Art by: Joe Bennett

As the last issue closed readers knew that #13 was going to give readers an epic fight between Magog and Captain Atom, and Winick and Bennett deliver. But, the pacing of this issue was slightly off. The fight was spectacular and the way Booster and Blue Beetle appeared scared, but trying to be heroic was a needed addition to the issue's script that broke up the fight with a human element, though there were too many panels of fighting and not enough of furthering the plot, with this issue JL:GL has crossed the halfway point and as such issues here can't be devoted to full on brawls with only a few panels of Max Lord being a basterd. That having been said, the issue is among the better issues that I read this week, and it does carry on the legacy of this great series.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

And there's the DC part of this weeks Comic Book Wednesday, stay tuned for Marvel and The Rest

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