Thursday, November 18, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 2: Marvel

With the fat DC week it means there had to be a lean Marvel week (but my The Rest is comparable to DC). Anyways, here's the only Marvel book I bought this week.

Words by: Dan Way and Marjorie Liu
Art by: Giuseppe Camuncoli

It's weird seeing Mystique actually care about someone. It's also weird to know Daken cares about someone. But over all the issue isn't weird... it's good. The restaurant from #2 has turned into a crime scene with Logan raising hell in all kinds of ways. Mystique escapes, saddened by Daken's death... or should I say, his fake death. There is a body burnt up inside the restaurant, that is taken away, but Daken watches from a nearby building, flashing back to a lesson from Romulus about the benefits of invisibility. Way and Liu deliver a pretty good story and have really made me want to go back and read their previous work on the character. Camuncoli's art is amongst my favorites right now and this series has me hooked for quite some time.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9.5/10)

So that's all I've got from the Marvel front... stay tuned for The Rest.

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