Friday, November 5, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 2: Marvel

So Marvel didn't provide me with too much more than DC, but thank the comic Gods because both of the Marvel issues were decent to pretty good.

Words by: Stuart Moore
Art by Ariel Olivetti w/ Fernando Blanco

To be frank, this was probably the worst of the three issues. I'm not saying it's bad, but relatively it's not great. The art is still strong, but the problem is that the issue starts a little slow, and by that I mean the first few pages are devoted to some back story and exposition that sets up the latter parts of the issue, but it still kind of bogs it down a bit. Overall it's not a bad issue, with some cool action and I'm still digging the Aqueos, but like I said the action is all in the second half and the plot is almost all in the first, pacing slows down this issue, but it's still got a nice jog going.

Dr. Brooklyn says: AT LEAST READ this issue (7/10)

Words b: Jason Aaron
Art by: Renato Guedes

What could be more bad ass than Wolverine inspiring a rebellion in Hell? Oh yeah, when the Saint of Killers served Satan a lead dinner. Which brings me to my complaint of not just this issue, but of the series thus far. There's really nothing being done here (except Wolverine's body haunting his loved ones) that wasn't done better in The Saint of Killers mini.  Aaron is one of my favorite writers at the moment, and the series is strong, I just can't help but make comparisons and in those match ups this series loses. Don't get me wrong this was a good issue, I particularly enjoyed how the story remained in hell for most the issue giving Wolverine and Old Scratch a few really intense showdowns, including when Logan spat on Satan; I also am impressed by Guedes work, visceral and gritty his art captures hell pretty well I think. So in conclusion, good issue/arc just not the greatest "guy in hell" story.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8/10)

And there's what Marvel offered me this week... not a lot, but both were worth the read

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