Thursday, November 11, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 2: Marvel

Let the record show that for one of the first times on this blog the DC section is bigger than the Marvel section. But, that doesn't mean Marvel didn't have anything good to offer.

INVADERS NOW! #3 (of 5)
Words by: Christos Gage
Art by: Carlo Reis

If you remember I trashed issue 1 and loved issue 2, and issue 3 falls somewhere in between the two. There's less drama than 2, but more plot than 1, although it just doesn't escape the "good" zone. The Invaders fight the Axis team from the end of last issue, and that is cool, I'm really starting to like Reis's visuals. But Gage is starting to slide closer to the stilted writing that made the dialogue of #1 unbearable. The story remains creative, but poor writing kills creative story lines. I know it seems like I've been bashing this issue quite a bit, but there are some redeeming qualities such as the dramatic final panels where Steve Rogers outlines the Invaders plan and some parts in the middle where Union Jack and Spitfire encounter some troubles, but all in all the the issue is pretty generic and average.

Dr. Brooklyn says: AT LEAST READ this issue (6.75/10)

Words by: Jason Henderson
Art by: Ivan Rodreiguez

It makes me sad that Shadowland is ending, with this month being the final nail in the coffin and this series being one of the first tie ins to take the bow before the curtains, but for this tie-in at least, the third act was the weakest. SL:DotS started strong, with plenty of drama that helped develop Shadowland, but this last issue was a little too... small in scope. Instead of the wide spread stories that have made Shadowland good, we are given a story that focuses on two duels between various Daughters of the Nail. There is little to no talk about the events of Shadowland that are coming up, and as such I felt a little cheated by this issue. It's not bad, with the writing and art consistently good, it just wasn't a good tie in.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (7.5/10)

And there, dear readers, is my Marvel section, with very little to rave about.

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