Thursday, November 18, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 3: The Rest

So here;s the third and final section of this week's CBW triumvirate... loosely title The Rest.

The Astounding Wolf-Man #25
Words by Robert Kirkman
Art by: Jason Howard

Because #24 came out before this blog started you have never heard my love of this series, and as such you don't know how sad this final issue made me. I have a few problems with this issue, the first one being how Zechariah (the primary antagonist for most the series) gets taken out in a fistful of seconds. I know the issue was supposed to be about the Elder and Gary Hampton (the eponymous Wolf-Man) and their duel, but Zechariah deserved better... at least death by Gary in payback for Rebecca (Gary's wife). My second problem is the ending... or lack there of. This issue was supposed to be the final issue of the series, and it is... but with the first ending in which Dracula is shown rejoicing the demise of the Elder and Zechariah and talking about his grand plan... we're left craving more, at least the other ending has been told when we'll get more, Kirkman outlines in Fang-Mail that GTG #3 will include the Wolf Corps. But beyond those gripes, I think this was a fitting end, with all the other loose ends being wrapped up quite nicely. I want to take this chance to thank Robert Kirkman and Jason Howard for giving us this great series (even though I know they've never heard of this blog).

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9.5/10) Also... definitely go get the first three tpbs and pick up vol. 4 when it drops in a week or so.

Words by: Garth Ennis
Art by: Jphn Mcrea

For those keeping score my problem with HL has been the ubiquity of Scottish slang that is unknown to people who don't live in that area... luckily this issue has little to none of that. Instead we get the back story of Annie "The Lamplighter" January, also known as Wee' Hughie's former dame. The issue isn't nearly as good as #47 in which the two broke up, but there is needed back story and some touching dialogue showing once again why Ennis is one of the best at what he does... but what he does isn't very nice. I'll say this now, I greatly prefer Robertson's work to Mcrea's but he's not bad. Furthermore, I liked seeing Hughie returning to his innocence, something I felt like the last few issues of The Boys have been stripping him of. Although not amongst the best issues, HL #4 is very good and definitely the best of the HL spin off.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9.5/10)

Words by: Nick Spencer
Art by: Joe Eisma

In what is quickly becoming one of my favorite series the first arc begins to come to it's climax, as the Glories continue their rescue plan. The only problem I have with this series is that it's all quite predictable. Who's the snake in the grass? Oh yes, the sleazy jerk of the group. The Sweet and Like able nerd is the one that the strong and independent leader of the group is attracted to? Go on! Spencer is a good dialogue writer, and the plot is pretty inventive, but I can't get over how the twists and such are even more straightforward than most of the average plot. The Characters are all well developed, so I'll give him credit for that... but I think Spencer needs to watch a few Hitchcock movies and learn a little subtlety. That being said this series is amazing, matching beautiful art with cool story and great dialogue. It's just not as twisty as I think Spencer wants it to be.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8.75/10)

Words by: Mark Millar
Art by: Leinil Yu

Continuing a series that is kind of like Big meets Shazam! Mark Millar is crafting what might be one of his best stories yet. Yeah, I said it. The story has something most of is tales don't, heart... lots and lots of heart. Yu's art is gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but the story here is incredible... you could almost say Superior. The story starts with Chris and Simon figuring out what all Simon can do now, and that's all fine and dandy, but there's so much more including a very touching segment in which Simon reveals what the best part of super powers is. And as simple as the story starts is as how intense it ends, yeah they space station is crashing towards earth. Although it might not be as good as Kick-Ass or Nemesis, Superior has the potential to be one of the best stories of the year.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (10/10)

And that's what I have for this weeks, CBW. I'll see ya'll down the trail.

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