Thursday, November 18, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 1:DC

Last week was a lean week, this week was a fatter week (especially in the realm of DC). I never know what to say in these intros, so I say to heck with this and let's get right into the comics.

Words by: Grant Morrison
Art by: David Finch

Unless you've been living under a rock you know that Bruce Wayne was officially brought back last week in Return of Bruce Wayne #6 (sure Batman and Robin #16 came out first... but... So to return Bruce to the DCU a one shot was needed, and here it is. Mainly the issue concerns itself with establishing Wayne's intentions for Batman Inc. which I feel is a really dumb idea. But the issue is alright, the art is good, exciting me for Batman: The Dark Knight with Finch's words and art. That being said, if you don't plan on reading at least one of the new post return Batman series than this issue won't have anything for you. In terms of story telling this issue is more akin to the amazing Batman and Robin and not the less than zero Return of Bruce Wayne.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8/10)

Words by: Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi
Art by: Ivan Reis

The cover promises White Lantern Batman... but in all honesty we only get WL Batman for about 3 pages, a let down for sure. But the issue also serves as a bit of a let down because now the series, it seems, is getting back to the heroes running around with their hands in the air going "Why were we brought back?" only now the cry will be "Who's the chosen one?" But, I've read worse entries into the Brightest Day series. Some highlights, especially for me, include the final panels with Batman uttering the phrase "We need to talk about Maxwell Lord." Peaking my "Generation Lost" fan boy nature. Also in the final panel (bizarre when the title of the next issue can get one excited) the foreshadowing piece of "Whatever happened to the Manhunter from Mars?" again touching the soul of m being. For a Brightest Day issue it's pretty good, but that's a relative good when most of the Brightest day stuff has gotten negative feedback from this blog.

Dr. Brooklyn says: AT LEAST READ this issue (7.5/10)

Words by: Geoff Johns
Art by: Francis Manapul

If you haven't jumped on this series, wait until #7, seeing as #6 is the end of an arc... a decent end of an arc. The Renegades have gotten a hold of Flash... or so they thought and faster than you can say 'it's just a jump to the left' The scarlet Speedster is back in our time to save Iris and bring The Top to justice. There's a high speed fight where The Top confesses to everything, only to be stopped when the Flash enters him and spins him the other way, stopping him and allowing the Renegades to capture the traitor Phantom Limb The Top and return him to the future for some justice. The issue actually has an interesting commentary on the nature of justice in both the future and our modern time, with an innocent man being cleared. Although the issue's not the best issue I read this week it is very good and Manapul has become one of my favorite current artists.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8.5/10)

Words by: Geoff Johns
Art by: Doug Mahnke

This issue is kind of hard to judge, mainly because nothing really happens. Sure there's great dialogue between Allen and Jordan, but it seems weird how it just... happens while Adara is a few feet away. Also of note is a conversation with the Guardians who are plotting to have someone watch Hal because he's trying to avoid detection. I like the way Johns handles the dialogue and the set up of Parallax becoming the fastest man on Earth is pretty enticing, but the subplot of having the Indigo lanterns essentially a mind washed cult seems forced, I think mainly because all the characters are freaking out because Blank Hand is now peaceful and compassionate... the fate they sentenced him to. Why would they complain that he's not a murderous creep obsessed with death anymore? THAT WAS THE POINT OF SENDING HIM OFF WITH THE INDIGO CORPS IN THE FIRST PLACE!! In what's more a set up issue, 59 isn't entirely strong but far from weak.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8/10)

Words by: Tony Bedard
Art by: Tyler Kirkham

In another case of the cover betraying the interior, the readers are expecting an epic duel between Rayner and Sinestro... but what we actually get is Sinestro beating the shit out of Rayner... three times over as many pages. But, the rest of the issue makes up for the apparent lie on the cover. Carrying on from previous issues The Weaponer has Soranik captured, but Sinestro won't pay the piper and go to try and save his daughter. I especially like how The Weaponer is being painted as a tragic character, trying to redeem himself and save his world (I've had little to no introduction to him before now). It's kind of weird, but I actually am looking more forward to the next issue of this than the main Green Lantern series.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

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