Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 2: Marvel

Remember my promise of 10 marvel reviews? Well you should because it was only like 2 minutes ago... but here they are!

Words by: Ed Brubaker
Art by: Butch Guice

The Trial of Captain America is on... well, the pre-trial is on. This issue doesn't really deal with the trial, other than a bunch of set up. Brubaker introduces us to Bucky's Lawyer, and there are a few scenes with her that make up the meat of the issue, but there is also the interesting sub plot of Sin being freed by Master Man with hopes of Reich's and Aryan nations all around.  But that's pretty much it, still setting up all the players in the trial, there isn't anything truly ground breaking in this issue. It's good, don't get me wrong, but there's no real substance, it's all just expository scenes and interactions. I also can't help but notice the constant presence of Steve who it seems is making his way firmly back into the Cap main title... I'll let you think of that what you will.

Dr. Brooklyn says: AT LEAST READ this issue (7/10)

Words by: Dan Way
Art by: Carlo Barberi

Deadpool's main title is really the only one worth a darn at the current time, and this issue reassures it's readers that yes... it is worth a darn. Mixing the hilarious antics of Deadpool with such serious characters as Steve Rogers, Black Widow, and Moon Knight was a genius stroke by Way. In the conclusion to possibly the best arc since Monkey Business (yeah I know there's only been like... 2) Deadpool uses his own brand of "tactical genius" to bring Dr. Bong down, all the way cracking funny jokes and saving the day, truly becoming a hero. Now I'm curious as to where this arc will send the Merc with a Mouth next. Barberi's art continues to be some of my favorite art out there and the writing is returning to some of it's best moments.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8.5/10)

DEADPOOL: PULP #3 (of 4)
Words by: Adam Glass and Mike Benson
Art by: Laurence Campbell

I know it's a constant gripe but you'll only have to hear it one more time... this is a great series, but a horrible Deadpool series. I believe given an actual Deadpool 616 title Glass and Benson could knock it out of the park, because they truly have a great grasp on his inner monologue, it's just that they've made the external dialogue of Wade so not Deadpool-y and the rest of the series is so not Deadpool-y that I can't truly love this series as much as I want to. This issue finds Wade flashing back to a war (which war is not specified) at the same time General Stryfe is instituting his master stroke to start WWIII and return America to it's natural state... one of war. The art is superb and the writing is exactly what you'd want in a story like this, except when there are actually any genuine Deadpool moments they seem more out of place than if Batman decided to wear a lime green cowl. I do recommend this series greatly because I like it and I'm positive you will too, but don't go in expecting to get Deadpool squaring off with a hit-man whose a monkey.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

Words by: Matt Fraction
Art by: Salvador Larroca

If you've been reading this blog regularly you know I've been losing my faith in Invincible Iron Man. Luckily for the money counters at Marvel Fraction was able to revive my faith in him with a good issue, bringing back what I loved about the earlier issues of this series. Instead of Tony Stark just moaning about the environment and running Oil out of business we get to see Tony being Iron Man and delivering repulsor based whoop-ass to the drones and Detroit Steel. But even cooler than that we get to see Pepper and Rhodey destroying drones too, giving us the first mission for Team: Iron Man. The issue returns to the action aspects of the first arc (The Five Nightmares) and gives both Pepper and Rhodey some development to the side, showing that with a threat like this Tony can't lone wolf it. Larocca's art is some of the best I saw this week and with visuals like this it's easy to forgive sins of the past.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

Words by: Stuart Moore
Art by: Andres Guinaldo

What a way to end the first arc of a series! In a final climactic showdown Namor fights his grandfather and leader of the Aqueos Thakorr, while his team is out fighting the rest of the threat in true Return of the Jedi fashion. The art is slightly off, with Guinaldo attempting to recreate Olivetti's art from issue's 1-3. But other than the slight gripe about the art style this was one of my favorite issues this week. As a Namor fan I am really excited to see when Moore takes this series when it leaves the "Curse of the Mutants" banner and begins to deal with some original plot lines. This series should definitely be on your radar, because I have a feeling that it'll keep getting better and better.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

Words by: Ed Brubaker
Art by: Mike Deodato

Although another exposition heavy issue from Brubaker (see above) SA sets up a lot of plot lines that the first arc indicates will be brought to a glorious conclusion. Shang-Chi's father is proved to be risen, which spells disaster for the rest of the world. And as such the Secret Avengers begin to mobilize with sweet fights (beautifully portrayed by Deodato) and intrigue (beautifully written by Brubaker) all leading up to a big reveal of another member of the Shadow Council, John Steele... the first Super Soldier. In what is quickly becoming one of my favorite series, Brubaker continues to develop the team dynamic of the Avengers and we get not only a cool martial arts story, but a cool military story as well... all added up to an awesome issue of an awesome comic.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

Words by: Antony Johnston
Art by: Wellington Alves

I am really sad that Shadowland is ending, but with the continuing amount of good issues coming out as of "3 of 3"s and "4 of 4"s the pain is being comforted. In the stunning conclusion to Blood on the Streets, or the story of Misty Knight, Paladin, Silver Sable, and Shroud hunting down the fake Hand. In one of the best twists of Shadowland yet, revealing that the cops have taken advantage of the Hand's fear tactics to bring "justice" to the criminals that escaped real justice. But, the way Johnston frames how Misty and crew deal out real justice is quite interesting, reminding the readers in the midst of a crossover that is questioning the effectiveness of the police that real justice isn't anybody who kills a criminal. Alves gives gritty visuals and closes off this mini with a vengeance. I can honestly say that after SL:Moon Knight Blood on the Streets was my favorite mini.

Words by: Fred Van Lente
Art by: Mahmud Asrar & Ray-Anthony Height

Another end to a Shadowland mini... another fantastic end to a Shadowland mini. I may have said some unkind things about SL:PM over the course of the last few months, but this last issue actually begins to redeem the series a little. With the final assault on Shadowland happening Power Man has gone in secretly to rescue his cousin, which results in the Beast of the Hand thinking he could take Power Man... long story short he was wrong. The story ends with Power Man realizing that he can't do it alone and if anyone can teach him things, it's Danny Rand, a.k.a. The Immortal Iron Fist. I also liked the semi Rocky III end, with Power Man and Iron Fist sparring in Rand's dojo. I will admit that I didn't like the series, but I will also admit that this was a great capstone and the best issue of the mini.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8.75/10)

Words by: Mark Millar
Art by: Steve Dillon

I must begin by saying that Blade breaking up a scene from Twilight was probably the best Twilight Parody yet. I have found that when an issue starts that strong it usually declines a little... unless it's written by Mark Millar, and then the only place it can go is up. And it goes up, up, and away. With Captain America breaking free and the Stark brothers unwilling to admit that Cap isn't just infected, but a Vampire, Blade relates the Ultimate history of Vampire hunters and reveals who's in Starks Mark I armor. Speaking of that suit of armor, Nerd Hulk whose now Vampire Nerd Hulk, begins to get a little cocky leading to a show of strength between Anthony and Nerd Hulk... spoiler alert Hulks always win the shows of strength. The writing continues to be top notch stuff with great art from a living legend Mr. Steve Dillon. With a set up of epic proportions coming this series is just outside my Top 5 Comics series, and this issue is my favorite of the week.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (10/10)

Words by: Rick Remender
Art by: Jerome Opena

So issue one of this series was good... issue 2 was great. Following up with UCF's mission to kill the child Apocalypse, we see Wolverine toughening up his team... except Deadpool. When the team locates the child on the Moon, they set out to find him... only to bump into War, Pestilence, Conquest, and Death... leading to an epic fight in space. But the team is still a little green and they get captured, and Apocalypse will decide how they die. I like how Apocalypse is being portrayed like a cross between Damian and Rosemary's Baby being raised and groomed to bring the end of days. The art by Opena is just what the writing by Remender demands, I am quite impressed by this creative team and am looking forward to more... hopefully a lot more.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

Whew... did you have as much pain in your fingers reading that as I did typing it? No? Oh, well never mind then. But I still have two more to review so stay tuned for "The Rest."

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