Thursday, November 11, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 3: The Rest

And last but not least is the Image comic I bought and read this week...

NANCY IN HELL #4 (of 4)
Words by: El Torres
Art by: Malaka Studios, Antonio Vasquez, and Juan Jose Ryp

In what I think might have been the most underrated and missed gem of the year, Nancy Simmons (with a little help from Lucifer) fought her way through and out of Hell. Perhaps it was because I'm lamenting this being the series end, but this issue seemed to be a little bit on the anticlimactic side. Yes the last few pages were a great end and one of the "best" endings in that manner since the original Doom. But, I expected a grander fight at the Gates and a little bit more of a showdown with the beast, but the art remained visceral and the writing maintained it's impact, establishing Nancy Simmons as a truly great heroine. Although not the best of the series, NiH #4 is one of the best issues I read this week and is a fitting cap to the series, even though it's not the best one that could have been.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8.75/10)

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