Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bottom 5: Least Favorite Cartoon Characters

Everybody has favorite cartoon characters, some of mine are Zoidberg, Zapp Brannigan, Quagmire (despite me not watching Family Guy anymore) Kyle and Cartman, and Dale Gribble (for starters).

But on every show there has to be a character that you just can't stand. And because I almost exclusively watch cartoons, it is really easy for me to pick characters from this genre that I love... and pretty easy for me to pick characters I hate.

5. Peggy Hill

FROM: King of the Hill
Oh Peggy Hill, how do I loathe thee? I really like King of the Hill, I watch on average three episodes a day, but I can't stand Peggy Hill. Her arrogance and often times cruelty (though not from malice) make her really unlikeable, especially when compared to people like Dale, Bill, Boomhauer and Hank, who are flawed, but at the same time like able through their innocence (Bill), their insanity (Dale), their genuine good nature (Hank) and just being awesome (Boomhauer).  Furthermore, people like Peggy irk me in real life, because as the saying goes "those who pretend to know it all ruin it for those of us who do."

4. Peter Griffin

FROM: Family Guy
It's not just that I don't like family guy anymore, but Peter always annoyed the crap out of me. In a role trying to emulate Fred Flintstone and Homer Simpson, Peter comes across not as like able and love able in an oafish way, but boorish and horrid. We get it, Peter's fat and unlikeable but he has a hot wife, wow... hilarious and original, Seth. but beyond that I hate how Peter is just crass, not witty like Cartman. At first I found him tolerable, but as i watched more and more Family Guy I learned to just despise him.

3. Sheila Broflovski

FROM: South Park
I know you're not supposed to side with her a lot, but the goal of a character, even if it's Hannibal Lector, is to be like able enough where you don't hate every minute they are on the screen, and sadly Mrs. Broflovski is one of those characters. for many of the reasons I don't like Peggy and Peter, i don't care for Sheila, because she's loud mouthed and brash, just sucking the life out of Gerald and the rest of South Park (on some occasions). On a show with such amazing characters as Eric Cartman, Butters, Mr/Mrs. Garrison, and Randy marsh, Sheila stands out for having a paper cut out thing character... pun not intended.

okay, yes it was.

2. Sierra

FROM: Total Drama World Tour
Duncan and Courtney made my top 5 couples list, and are my favorite characters from one of my favorite shows at the moment, but Sierra is not even close to the top. On a faux-reality show Sierra plays the role of obsessed fan who finally gets on the show, but instead of being like able in a geeky way, she comes across as creepy and essentially a stalker, well, she is. My main problem with her is this, if you bring in a new character, to replace an old character, the new character had better be better than the new. two of my favorite characters (Geoff an Trent) were left off the show and this unlikeable waste of animation made the cut? that Dog won't hunt Monsignor.

1. Beth

FROM: Total Drama Island, Action, and Aftermath episodes of World Tour
Yeah, it's ironic that one of my favorite shows would give me my top (or bottom) least favorite characters, but the Total Drama series succeeded in not only giving me Sierra to hate this season, but Beth from season one. Beth is like Napoleon dynamite, but a female, and with out the social graces. She does stupid stuff, and as shown in TDA does underhanded things behind peoples backs, so any likability she had... was lost. In addition, she was actually cursed in one episode, and routinely took punishment, a clue that even the writers don't like her. And for that I salute Beth as the worst cartoon character.

So, there's my Bottom 5, if you disagree comment... and then I'll tell you where to put that comment.

In the comment section, duh.

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