Monday, September 27, 2010

Top 5: Bad Ass Jedi

For those that don't know, huge Star Wars fan, I am. And I have been wanting to do this list for a while, and I decided that today is as good as any to finally put fingers to keys.

And one more rule, they have to be from the movies, I don't buy into the whole EU thing.

5: Qui-Gon Jinn
Defining Bad Ass Moment: The One on One with Darth Maul at the start of Phantom.

I know he was only in one episode, but QGJ is still one of the most Bad Ass Jedi's shown, mainly by being that quite guy that you know could beat the shit out of you at the drop of a hat. He is a skilled swordsman, even though Maul beats him, and this combination of prescence, knowledge of the force, and ability to wield a sabre allow him to claim a spot on this list.

4: Luke Skywalker
Defining Bad Ass Moment: The Final Showdown with Vader

Take New Hope out and Luke is actually a pretty tough dude, no longer whining about things he can't control he pulls on his big boy underwear and takes down the empire working his way up from the common stormtrooper to beating his Father, and allowing Vader to realize his destiny and bring balance to the force. The evolution of Luke is a great arc, from farmboy to pilot, to Rebel leader, to Jedi master all in the course of three movies. In the movies no other Jedi is shown to go to Master that fast, let alone doing it with as little training as Luke had.

3: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Defining Bad Ass Moment: The Final fight in Sith

Even though the prequels were no where near as good as the OT, they did give us bad ass Obi-Wan. In Phantom he's a mild mannered padawan, until the end when he fights, and bests, Darth Maul. From there on we see Obi-Wan mature as a truly great swordsman, and we even see him become a General. Let's look at some of the characters Obi-Wan has beaten in Comabt: Darth Maul, General Grievous, and Darth Vader (Anakin had taken the mantle before the fight), who just happen to be three of the most bad ass characters in Star Wars.

2: Yoda
Defining Bad Ass Moment: The Showdown with Dooku

In V and VI we see Yoda old and dying, and his great feats are only hinted at. Then in Phantom Menace we meet a younger Yoda, but we still don't see him fight. Then comes Clones, when Dooku has beaten Obi-Wan and Anakin... but Yoda steps up and gives us one of the best Sabre fights of the entire Saga. In addition to being one of the best swordsmen, Yoda is the only Jedi shown to redirect Sith Lightning with his own hands, not a sabre. Pretty easy being Green, if you ask me.

1: Mace Windu
Defining Bad Ass Moment: When Mace tops the Emperor in a duel.

Palpatine has no problem going through the three Jedi Mace brought with him, but then Mace, the only man able to wield a purple light sabre and look cool doing it, steps up and fights the Emporer into submission, turning him into the wilted piece of wax we see in the OT. It's not until Anakin betrays him and removes his hand that Mace is beaten. Being able to take out Jango fett, and if he had been so inclined, the Emperor, it's hard to imagine a more bad ass Jedi that Mace.

There's another award winning* top 5 from Dr. B. I hope you agree... because if you don't tha means you're wrong.

*Best Blog at the 2010 Vulcan Blog Awards

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