Thursday, September 23, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday (The "sorry-about-all-these-late-editions" Edition) Part 3: The Rest

So I know Icon is a Marvel imprint, but i put vertigo here, so why not put Icon here as well?

NEMESIS #3 (of 4)
Words by: Mark Millar
Art by: Steve McNiven

Only Millar would have a super villain impregnate a girl, using her gay brothers sperm... and then rig her womb to destroy itself if the baby inside is destroyed. Keeping his monopoly on awesome bad ass stories, Millar delivers an action packed extravaganza, while continuing to embolden the legacy of one of the greatest villains ever to hit comics. McNiven's art is as brutal as Millar's writing and the only bad part of this issue is that it's arrival means there's only one more issue of Nemesis.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (10/10)

Words by: Robert Kirkman
Art by: Charlie Adlard

this issue seems more like it's setting up the next arc than telling it's own story, but I'm okay with that because it means there's more TWD coming! Other than that nothing MAJOR happens, other than Glenn is going back to the city (setting up the arc called "No Way Out") and Rick capitally punished Pete, which will set up social and in community political fall out, but in this issue there's no more of that. I like the issue because it is setting up a bunch of stuff, but let's just see if Kirkman can capitalize on that.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

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