Thursday, September 9, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday (Thursday Edition) Part 1: Marvel

I hope everyone enjoyed labor day, I didn't because my comics got pushed off a day so I had to wait one more day before feeding the monkey on my back. But, today the monkey was fed, and here is a review of the meal I served to it.

Words by: Dan Way and Marjorie Liu
Art by: Giuseppe Camuncoli

If you've read Dan Way's Deadpool stuff you know the man is a master of silliness, but he's also very adept at more serious stuff, and blending in some lighter moments. This issue is a prime example of that skill. A sort of tie in to "Wolverine #1" D:DW focuses on Wolverine's bastard and explains How Daken is making his way in the post Dark Reign world, not having read a lot of that stuff, I was slightly unfamiliar with the character, but after a few pages I knew I would like this series. The writing is strong, like I sad blending some serous drama (Daken hunting down Wolverine) with comedy (The part with the strawberry seduction of the designer) and making Daken a truly despicable bastard, but also charming in a Devil may care way. To appreciate this story you don't have to have read W #1, or any of Way's earlier work with Daken, but i can see how it would help. Still this book was a fun read and I look forward to more.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (8/10)

Words by Andy Diggle and Antony Johnston
Art by: Marco Checchetto

For the last few weeks my Marvel-centric reviews have just been love letters to Shadowland and all it has done/is doing. And Diggle steps it up another notch. Matt Murdock is essentially dead, now his body is just the vessel for a Beast coming to destroy the world and guide the hand to dominance, and the heroes know that his days must be numbered. In a startling turn of events the heroes decided, with Foggy Nelson and Dakota North as the only detractors, that Edith Keeler Matt Murdock must die. Now, none of them are willing (or able to) kill the man without fear so they turn to some one who has been trying to since DD #1 appeared, Wilson Fisk himself. Diggle really out does himself raising the Shadowland Bar yet again and showing us that this Daredevil is some of the best Daredevil since that lanky psuedo-fascist stopped writing. The art continues to be above average and the writing continues to be superb.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9.5/10)

INVADERS NOW! #1 (of 5)
Words by: Christos Gage
Art by: Caio Reis

As a fan of the Invaders I was inclined to pick this one up, and it seems like Marvel is trying to do a version of Justice League: Generation Lost. The story unfolds like this, a ghost from the past of the Invaders forces them to get the band back together and the old guard meets with some of the new incarnations of various heroes (Cap and Union Jack) and they have to stop them like they did in the old days, because The avengers can't handle it. Sadly, the best part of this issue is the Alex Ross cover (which is like sex). The interior seems like a watered down Marvel-ized version of JL:GL, but not as good. I was let down by this story, but it does seem like the later issues may have some potential, so I recommend this one only because I hope this is the foundation for a good story.

Dr. Brooklyn says: AT LEAST READ THIS ISSUE (6.5/10)

Words by: Matt Fraction
Art by: Salvador Larroca

A much as it pains me to say  think IIM has been setting up a shark tank, a ramp, and getting a motorcycle to jump said shark with. The whole Iron Man suit being inside Tony's body was okay at first, but now I feel like the story s getting Tony away from being Tony, and I hate that i am losing that loving feeling. Right up until Stark got his mind back this series was one of my favorites, but then, I feel, it started to slip and this issue proves it. Tony and Justine Hammer are driving and she starts putting moves on him and blocking his sight, so he activates his knuckle "eyes" and drives the car with those. They get in a crash, and he walks out unscathed because his suit is inside him. I think what's happening is stark is becoming over powered, or at the very least Powered and that is not the point of Stark, he's not a super hero, he's a hero who does super things. And I feel like the last 7-8 issues have started to lose a grasp on that and it pains me so so much.

Dr. Brooklyn says (Mother, Forgive me): PASS this issue (5/10)

Words by: Antony Johnston
Art by: Wellinton Alves

If you're tired of the Dr. B/SL romantic subplot of this blog, skip to the next review. This next installment of the Shadowland tie-in series delivers more excitement, with Shroud and Paladin facing off and Misty Knight coming to a startling realization... some one is framing the Hand. the issue then revolves around Knight and paladin trying to find out who, only to be set up themselves, facing down the guns of mobsters, standing over a dead body. The Multiple stories all serve to further the plot and I am fond of the dark and gritty coloring that the SL tie-ins have had, giving it a look and feel that this is darker than the rest of the 616 universe.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

Words by: Mark Millar
Art by: Steve Dillon

Three words can sum up the awesomeness of this issue: Vampire Nerd Hulk. Oh wait, I need to add three more: Vampire Captain America! The issue starts with Cap telling Nerd hulk he's a Nerd (Um... it's even in his name, shouldn't that have been a clue to him?) and this makes NH run away, and run he does right into a Vampire ambush. the rest of the issue has the avengers hunting down NH, only for Cap to be bitten by Vampire Daredevil. The story is hard hitting, and Dillon's art is awesome (but does anyone expect less from the legend that is Dillon?) Ultimate Avengers may just be my favorite Series right now (up there with TWD, Captain America, Scalped, Secret Avengers, and Shadowland stuff)

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9.5/10)   

So this week if you're buying from Marvel you can't go wrong with Shadowland stuff or Ultimate Avengers, but some of their other stuff isn't as strong.

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