Thursday, September 23, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday (The "sorry-about-all-these-late-editions" Edition) Part 2: DC

So, as usual I read some DCU stuff as well, and here's the reviews of those issues.

Words by: Geoff Johns
Art by: Francis Manapul

In a continuation of the time-travelling what have you fest story line, The Flash and the rogues square off against the futuristic Renegades and... yeah... that's pretty much the issue. The fighting takes the first 13 pages, then we get a mind trip after The flash breaks Mirror Master's mirror and unleashes the Mirror Lords, then the flash is taken back to the future for trial. That's pretty much it. the Art is superb, in my opinion, with a cartoon edge, and an almost JRjr feel, but the story lacks emotion and a reason to care.

Dr. Brooklyn says: AT LEAST READ this issue (7/10)

Words by: Tony Bedard
Art by: Ardian Syaf

This issue was another 'meh' issue in a week of 'meh' issues. I believe the problem is that brightest day has failed to make me care about it, and this issue is trying to advance the BD story line... therefore I don't really care. I mean, I understand that cyborg Superman was menacing, but this whole arc has been kind of lame and not really engaging. The cover makes t seem like there will be an epic showdown, CSM gets his beating in 3 panels. sorry DC, you are really turning me off to your stuff.

Dr. Brooklyn says: PASS this issue (5/10)

Words by: Judd Winick
Art by: Joe Bennett

Much like my hate for BMB, my faithful readers will know I love this series. And this issue just keeps the awesome train going. this time they finally reveal what War Max Lord needs to stop... by recreating the future and showing Magog and his brigade fighting parasite, who rips open Captain Atom... and starts the events of Kingdom Come. FINALLY! MEANING IS GIVEN TO THE EVENTS OF A BRIGHTEST DAY TITLE!!!! THERE IS PURPOSE!!! THERE IS A CONNECTION!!!! The quest to to remember Max is still cool, with the dynamics of the JLI still working and making this a very cool read, especially if you're a fan of KC.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

so, not a lot of DC stuff, and not a lot of good DC stuff... hopefully there will be some good titles in the 'The Rest section' *spoiler alert... there are*

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