Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 1:DC

It's that time of the week again, and being a major nerd I went out and bought some comics, and here's what I thought about the DC comic I bought.

Words by: Geoff Johns
Art by: Peter Tomasi

If you've read my last few CBW posts you know I haven't been too hot on this series, or the various tie ins. But, this issue, following #8 is starting to make an upward swing, with plot development and characters getting fleshed out. In this issue, Aquaman hunts the girl with a dragon tattoo the boy with an eel tattoo, who lives in New Mexico and seems like a Storm-Aquaman hybrid. But the main plot of this issue is that of Martian Manhunter and Green Arrow getting some leads as to what they need to do, as well as setting up Martian Manhunter as big part for the future of the DCU, after BD ends. Frankly, I liked this issue, well, I really only liked the MM parts, but BD is finally picking up, and if #10 keeps this upswing going I might be able to forgive Johns for 1-7.

Dr. Brooklyn says: At least Read this issue (7/10)

So, because BD #9 was the only DC comic I read, it was the best... but... it still wasn't great.

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