Friday, September 24, 2010

The Deer Reviewer


At this moment, I can't think a better reaction to the 1978 Best Picture winner, The Deer Hunter. To call this movie a masterpiece is to insult it, to call it near perfection is still a slight. I, as an amateur movie buff and reviewer, don't even feel worthy to critique it, positively or negatively, but here I go.

The movie begins with a wedding, for one of the men in a group of steelworkers. The opening scenes establish the drunken revelry of a bachelor party, followed with the wedding and three of the men: Nick, Steve, and Mike (Christopher Walken, John Savage, and Robert De Niro) going off to the 'Nam.

There various things happen, but they can be summed up mainly in two words: Russian Roulette.

I could say more, but I don't want to spoil the movie, which, I will say now, I highly recommend.

The script is tight, with a strong sense of friendship between the guys, romance between De Niro and Streep, the horrors of war, and many more topics are covered with a maturity and a skill not usually seen.

In addition, the actors portraying the script could not have been better, first I'll start with the Deity that is Robert Di Nero. This man is easily among the top 5 actors to ever live. When I was watching him I could only imagine him as being Michael Vronsky (Travis Bickle who?) for a man who has defined method acting for 40+ years he was so immersed in the role you forget this man has been nominated for 6 Oscars, you actually start to think they got a real guy to play the part.

Next. Chri.sto.pher. Wa.lken. At times, its hard to remember Christopher Walken has done things other than demand Will Ferrell give him more cowbell, and stash a watch up his ass. But, this turn gave him an Oscar, and he deserved it. His turn as Nick was fantastic, and I dare to say probably his best. I dare anyone to watch the final RR scene and not get a lump in your throat. I never thought I'd say it, but there is a movie with Robert Di Nero... and he doesn't give the best performance.

Next, the girl that both men pined after, Meryl Streep... that's pretty much all I have to say here and you know how the performance was. Streep brought a subtlety to the role that was needed, being the girl two men were fighting to get back too. I could go on, but with Maryl Streep giving her praise is almost cliche.

The rest of the acting is very strong, but these three easily cast a shadow over the rest and make the movie their own.

For a sophomore film, Michael Cimino knocks it out of the park, and earned all 5 of the Oscars this movie received. I truly cannot heap enough praise on this movie, and I cannot recommend it enough.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this movie (10/10)

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