Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Review without a Cause

When one thinks of James Dean two things come to mind, the song by the Eagles and the movie Rebel without a Cause (1955). This movie is still the defining moment of Dean's short career, and with good reason. From the opening credits we meet Jim Stark (Dean) and see him drunk while in public, and then we go to the police station with Stark who obviously was arrested for being drunk in public.

Before I go on, what is with fictional characters with the last name of Stark and a problem with the bottle?

Anyways, when Stark is taken to the drunk tank to sober up we meet Judy (Natalie Wood), Jim's girlfriend who is having troubles of her own, Wood starts to display her Oscar nominated talents from the beginning.

Keeping with (or starting) the convention of the Bad boy with a heart of gold, Dean offers his jacket to a cold boy, and thus Stark is one of those boys that has an edge, but is a sensitive guy, the kind of guys that girls love.

The movie doesn't start slow, continuing right from the aforementioned police station scene we get some exposition about Stark's relationship with his parents, why they moved, etc. From here we go on to learn that Stark his developing feelings for Judy, who is dating his rival. From there the two clash in multiple testosterone laden challenges for the heart of Judy, the only logical way to handle a situation like that, and I don't feel like spoiling the movie from there,
Like many of the older movies, all the movie conventions are here, mainly the whole "Teen Angst" sub genre is so derivative of this film that it's almost sickening. A rich set of parents with a kid who feels like they need to rebel because they are trying to get the taste of the silver spoon out of their mouth, yadda yadda yadda. Furthermore, cinema buffs will recognize the "tough/but not tough at all gang" format from movies like Grease, American Graffiti, West Side Story, need I go on?

James Dean turns in a stellar performance as Stark, at the same time being some one you pity, and envy. He's not really a "rebel" (but the gang harassing him is not really a gang). You feel for Jim when he gets his tires slit, or when he gets rejected at the start by Judy, but you also see that he is going to be a hero down the road, and you anticipate that.

Natalie Wood, also turns in a great role, playing the girl who feels like she's growing up too fast. Now, personally I don't think Natalie Wood is hot, she's cute, but not overly attractive, yet her character is still attractive in away, because Wood plays the girl next door who doesn't know what she wants so perfectly any guy who's been through high school will fall for her.

Corey Allen, though not in the movie for long, turns in a good performance as Jim's rival Buzz. As shown before the Chicken Run scene, Buzz isn't a bad guy, he's just trying to preserve his honor, and that of his fucking lady friend special lady.

But, the main secondary actor is that of Sal Mineo, who plays the part of Jim's hanger on with an amazingly touching side. Unbeknownst (or made to appear as such) to Jim Sal's character John/Plato displays homosexual tendencies, and his implied crush adds a sweet subplot, touching and subtle, so that one could ignore it if they try, but it is obvious.

There are many movies called "classics" and there a select few that truly earned the title, "Rebel without a Cause" is one of those. If you haven't seen it, then you should, if you have seen it, watch it again.

Also, as a thing that made me smile Jim is seen wearing a red jacket, a white tee-shirt, and blues jeans when he goes out at one point to get a job at Planet Express.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this movie (9.75/10)

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