Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday Part 2: Marvel

Unlike DC, I read a fistful of Marvel comics, so here goes some reviewing.

Words by: Jason Aaron
Art by: Renato Guedes
"Brace for Impact"
Words by: Dan Way and Marjorie Liu
Art by: Giuseppe Camuncoli,Onofrio Catacchio, and Will Conrad
"The First Day of the Rest of Your Life"
Words by: Rick Remender
Art by: Leonardo Manco

If you aren't planning on reading the new Wolverine series (So my question is why the hell don't you plan on reading it?), Daken: Dark Wolverine, or Uncanny X-Force this issue is a total pass. Frankly, there is nothing here except Marvel pimping several upcoming series. All the stories are a few pages, then a "continued in..." There's also some sketch pages, which are cool, and there are two other previews to Namor #1 (which came out last week) and a preview for Uncanny X-Men: Generation of Hope. So, really, this issue doesn't serve any purpose except a few pages that seem like they could have been cut out of Wolverine #1 (see below).

Dr. Brooklyn says: PASS on this issue (5/10)

Words by: Jason Aaron
Art by: Renato Guedes

After reading Road to Hell (see right above), I was a little less excited about Wolverine #1, but boy was I wrong. Aaron delivers one hell of a punch , from beginning to end this issue is full of "Kapow!" after "BOFF!" right to the gut of the reader. This issue sets up a lot, Logan gets to Hell where Old Scratch pretty much says he's going to use Logan as an ass bitch, while Logan's girlfriend is hunted by a group of Slasher movie rejects, only to be saved by Mystique. The art was the right amount of dark and devastating, and the writing is quality stuff, not Scalped of Punishermax good, but Aaron still ranks higher than most other writers today. This book was a really fun read and I can't wait for more.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

Words by: Zeb Wells
Art by: Emma Rios

This was the issue of Shadowland I was looking forward to the least, I knew Elektra would be coming back, but I'm one of those guys who when Miller said he intended Ms. Natchios to stay dead... she should have stayed dead. But, here we are... and I was pleased. The Issue serves mainly as a set up to SL #3 (see next review). While pulling a job, Elektra is contacted by Izo, informing her of Matt going batshit crazy making some ill informed choices going batshit crazy and stabbing Bullseye, which in a very touching sequence, causes Elektra to smile and say 'Thank You', which causes Elektra to agree that she will help infiltrate Shadowland and try to save Matt Murdock. And if you read my post the other day, you know why this issue made me happy.

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this issue (9/10)

Words by: Andy Diggle
Art by: Billy Tan

After SL #2, I figured that the series couldn't continue to go up... I was wrong. Diggle is telling a great story here, and this issue really cranks it up to 11. The opening panel continues from SL:MK, with Jake Lockley (Moonknight) fighting a shit ton of ninjas.From there, Ghost Rider comes in, kills the ninjas and rides into the night. From there we go to the Super Delegates from #2, who are getting their asses handed to them by the Hand, and then Dardevil goes on a BAMF spree. Taking out Iron Fist and Shang-Chi and dodging Spider-Man's blast, and then gives the order to kill the heroes... who are saved by the Mutha Fucking Punisher wielding a min-gun The issue ends with Daredevil digging up Bullseye, with plans of pulling a Herbert West. And everyone's favorite Greek Ninja showing up. The art was average, but Damn, Diggle knows how to craft a story, perfectly giving each side story a bit of panel time, without cutting any of them short. Like I've said with all the Shadowland issues, READ SHADOWLAND!!! NOW!!!!

Dr. Brooklyn says: LIKE this Issue (9.5/10)

Words by: Adam Glass and Mike Benson
Art by: Laurence Campbell

I am getting a little tired of seeing Deadpool's name on the Comic rack at The Top Comics. It's almost as bad as the nigh infinite Green Hornet titles Dynamite is putting out, but I buy most of the Deadpool stuff, and as such I picked up Deadpool Pulp. And this series seems to affirm my statement that if it's not by Dan Way it's not Deadpool. This series doesn't know what it is, yet... that I know of. If Glass and Benson know, they are hiding it from us. The art is dark and grungy, as is 98% of the dialogue, but Deadpool's voice boxes pop up and completely go against the rest of the issue. The other problem is that the hyper serious 98% is not Deadpool, Deadpool just decides to be a pirate one day and has HYDRA Bob dress like a parrot, not this Deadpool In Name Only.

Dr. Brooklyn says: PASS on this issue (6/10)

The Shadowland stuff was easily the best stuff from Marvel I read this week, and that's the series that you guys really need to read... so go read it! (After you read my next post, of course)

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