Saturday, September 25, 2010

Top 5: Futurama Episodes

Alright, this just struck me as a good thing to do, being that Futurama is one of my favorite shows ever, and I've seen every episode, time to impart my wisdom on you, dear reader, and show you the top 5 Futurama episodes of all time.

5. Brannigan Begin Again

Why it's Awesome: Short Version: Zapp Brannigan recreating scenes from Midnight Cowboy. Longer version, This is Zapp's finest episode, showing him to be one of the greatest TV characters of all time. In 'Loves Labours Lost in Space" we are introduced to Zapp, but her we meet him, and we see that he's a shallow, lonely, horrid, pitiable, and the greatest Captain Kirk parody of all time. The humor continues from beginning to end, and this episode sticks out among the best. Just ask IGN who also named this episode #5.

4. The Luck of the Fryish

Why it's Awesome: In a show that's as funny as Futurama, it's hard to imagine that there would be some truly touching episodes, and the greatest one of these is The Luck of the Fryish in which we see Fry mature a bit, and we learn about how Fry became the man-boy he is today, but we also get a touching story of the love brothers have, even if they don't always show it. I couldn't pick Jurassic Bark because I hate dogs, and I couldn't pick The Sting, because it's too trippy, I had to pick the Luck of the Fryish because it's beautiful and displays the kind of story telling that the new episodes missed.

3. War is the H-Word

Why it's Awesome: As a fan of Starship Troopers, M*A*S*H, Star Wars, and War movies in general, this episode went straight to my heart, touching all sorts of things I love and illustrating them in a way that is beautiful and original, amalgamating all sorts of different pieces into a beautiful puzzle. The episode truly shines in the extended M*A*S*H parody scene, with Zoidberg, iHawk, and the Squid Nurse thing. A satire on War itself, this episode does what the new episodes couldn't, blend satire and the style of humor that made Futurama unique, and not just The Simpsons in space.

2. The Farnsworth Parabox

Why it's Awesome: This episode doesn't have the heart wrenching emotion of my #4, or the satire of #3, but it has humor... lots and lots of humor. Ranging from the various universes to the interactions of Universe 1 and Universe A this episode has quite possibly the sharpest script of any of the episodes and has been a favorite of mine since I saw it for the very first time. The only part of the episode I didn't like was the lack of alternate Zapp and Kif, how epic would that have been?

1. Where No Fan has gone before

Why it's Awesome: It's got everything amazing: Zapp. The Shat. And more Star Trek references than an episode of Star Trek. Being a Trekkie (We're taking the word back) I can't pick any other episode as better, mainly because the tongue in cheek presentations of the actors was so brilliant, I couldn't help but love it. The plot is strong, with a nice framing device and so many excellent references to TOS that you might need to have seen all the episodes of TOS to get them. Although it won't make you cry from being touched, it will make you cry from laughter. And this episode goes where no other episode has gone before... to the top of a Dr. B Top 5.

So there's my top 5, like it or love it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice list. I have to disagree on the 5 though :)
    I posted my top 5 here: a little while ago.
